It's a big day today: my first-ever author interview has gone live over at Periapsis Press!
Katie Roome at Periapsis was kind enough to accept an Advance Review Copy of The Mummy of Monte Cristo, and apparently loved it so much she wanted to interview me about it! It was a lot of fun, and got me thinking about my writing from angles I don't normally consciously consider.
Their full review will be coming out closer to Release Day, but for now you can follow Katie on Twitter (@RedHedgedragon) for more news, reviews, interviews and more from Periapsis Press.
Also, on October 6 my wife and I will be participating in the Frosty 5K Virtual Run hosted by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption! Well, in our case it'll be more of a brisk walk, but still. The Dave Thomas Foundation does great work helping kids in foster care find loving families, so please consider registering or donating today!